Tuesday, May 12, 2015

The Neglected Section H in US Government Solicitations

The other day, while working on an outline for a proposal, I wondered how many times people have neglected a very important part of Government solicitations in outlining and writing proposals or even Red Teaming proposals.  I’m talking about Section H, SPECIAL CONTRACT REQUIREMENTS.

As I have progressed in my proposal management/proposal writing career, I have come to realize it is a valuable source of information for insight into the government’s thinking about certain items of a proposed contract. 

Section H can provide clues to the government’s thinking regarding how they want you to perform the contract.  Many times, the Section H Special Contract Requirements will contain information on how the Government agency would like Sign out you to perform certain tasks contained in the Statement of Work or Performance Work Statement,

This is particularly true in Indefinite Delivery/Indefinite Quantity (ID/IQ) contracts.  Your ability to provide this information could mean an award or not, especially in a single award IDIQ contract or a Multiple Award Task Order Contract (MATOC) where the competition is fierce.

So when you are designing your approach toward preparing your response to a Request for Proposal, consider the oft-neglected Section H in determining your approach and outline to your proposal.

It will demonstrate to the Government your desire to meet all requirements within a solicitation and may mean the difference between a contract award or a contract loss.  After all, winning Government contracts and obtaining Government business is what it is all about.

Ed is the author of the book, Cash In on the Obama $3 Trillion Spending Plan!: How to make large amounts of money by conducting business with or receiving grants from federal, state, and local governments.”

The book is available on Amazon in both print and EBook formats at the following:

He is also the author of a fighter pilot novella called “Harry’s War” available at Amazon Kindle http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00794LZTU/ref=as_li_tl?ie=UTF8&camp=1789&creative=9325&creativeASIN=B00794LZTU&linkCode=as2&tag=flowatpre-20
and other eBook retailers.